Consume web service in BizTalk orchestration

If we want to consume web service in my BizTalk orchestration. I do not have to do so many efforts.

Over all mechanism is still same that we will create message and port type according to my web service and send request and then receive response. But only concern that how can I found out what port type is. What request and response should be created? For web service we will do conventional thing that we used to do. I will add web reference and then all worries are for BizTalk. 🙂

By adding the web reference of your web service you will get some cool stuff in your solution. It contains some files, web message types, port type, and multi part message type. Surly you will get all stuff you want for your service.

You will get following files

Some file are optional. If your request or response message type is primitive (normally a string in this case) then request and response XSD will not be created for you.

You will use web message type for your request and response message. Further port type and multi part message can be used accordingly.

Now is become handy to consume web service as all necessary information is available. Enjoy!!!!

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